Travel Insurance
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Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to declare hormone replacement therapy as a pre-existing medical condition?
I may need to cancel my trip due to an accidental injury/serious illness, what should I do?
I am hoping I will recover in time to go on my trip can I delay cancelling?
Is dental treatment covered on my Coverwise travel insurance policy?
If I am hospitalised due to an insured event will I receive an allowance to make my stay more comfortable?
Do I have to pay for my medical bills whilst abroad?
What is MEDICARE in Australia?
Do I need to arrange to have a Global Health Insurance Card before I travel?
I would rather not have the recommended inoculations before I travel. Will this impact my policy cover?
Will a Coverwise policy provide cover for taxi fares to travel to and from hospital if I am unwell or injured and need to obtain treatment?
If I am unwell abroad and unable to travel home as planned will the policy assist with my additional accommodation and transport expenses?
I purchased an Annual Multi Trip policy with a start date in the future. I have been diagnosed with a medical condition and can no longer travel can I cancel my policy and get a refund?
Can Coverwise provide cover for known pre-existing medical conditions?
I want to purchase a Coverwise policy but a close relative has a pre-existing medical condition. Do I need to declare this to you?
I am awaiting a medical diagnosis/test results can I buy a policy from Coverwise?
I am a Coverwise policy holder and my health has changed, can you still cover me?
I purchased an Annual Multi Trip policy with a start date in the future. I have been diagnosed with a medical condition can I add cover?
Why do I need to declare a pre-existing medical condition to you if it is controlled with medication and I no longer suffer from the symptoms, surely as long as I take my medication I no longer have the condition?
Do you provide cover for pregnancy related claims?
If you cannot find the answer to your question, please
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